Prenotot, Universal adhesive and sealant 1


Universal adhesive and sealant

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Universal adhesive and sealant


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PRENOTOT is a universal sealer product for construction materials.


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Adhesive to sick an wide range of construction materials, plaster and concrete: seal porous surfaces, including projected concrete and as additive to ensure an adequate joint in concrete repairs and similar


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Liquid of white colour that it dries, creating a transparent and colourless film. PRENOTOT has a light odour when it is in liquid state, but it disappears once has been dried.

TYPE OF APPLICATION FOR PRENOTOT, Universal adhesive and sealer

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PRENOTOT joins the majority of the materials used in construction works, always when there is a porous surface. In most of the cases it is used diluted. In general the recommended dilutions terms are:

PRENOTOT Water Pure 5 Waterproof surfaces joint. 3 parts1 parts. Light plaster joint to porous surfaces. 1 part1 part. Plaster joints to porous o porous concrete surfaces.

GENERAL PROPERTIES OF PRENOTOT, Universal adhesive and sealer

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The joint must be always done while PRENOTOT is still wet and adhesive.
The seal coat always have to be completely dried before applying another coat of PRENOTOT.
All surfaces to joint have to be firm, clean without dust, dustiness, greases, oils … and form any other material that can deteriorate the adherence.
The maximum resistance of the joint requires total humidifier of the surface with PRENOTOT.
Do always follow the adequate work procedure for the plaster work o concrete work and the level of floor, there are application rules to this, relative to the material quality, the coat thickness, hardering conditions, etc…


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The normal kind of joints are among two flat surfaces applying a smooth coat of PRENOTOT. Apply PRENOTOT to one of the surfaces to joint.

CRACKS REPLENISHMENT WITH PRENOTOT, Universal adhesive and sealer

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When there is an existing crack among the surface PRENOTOT can be mixed with plaster, concrete or sand and cement according to the occasion, so as to give an enough consistence to fill-in the crack and let an intimate contact among the two surfaces.

HOW TO BE APPLIED PRENOTOT , Universal adhesive and sealer

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It can be applied with a brush, a roller or spatula. If the two surfaces are of different porosity apply PRENOTOT on the less porous one.

CURING TIME OF PRENOTOT, Universal adhesive and sealer

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Normally, in approximately half an hour it achives strength enough to joint so as to manipulate the points. The real time will depend on the enviromental conditions. The maximum strength joint is achived approximately in 24 hours time.

WAITING TIME WITH PRENOTOT, Universal adhesive and sealer

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In normal work conditions, joints can be done until 10 minutes after the application. In very porous surfaces or when it must be joint very ample surfaces, waiting time will be longer if the surfaces are prepared before with a sealer based of a PRENOTOT part with five water parts and let it dry.

PARGETTED WITH PRENOTOT, Universal adhesive and sealer

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Adhesive and sealer. Plater pargetted.

Plater pargetted
Concrete joint, old plaster or other absorbent surfaces.
Make sure that the surface is firm and clean.
Prepare the surface with a sealer based of one PRENOTOT part with five water parts.
Once has been dried apply a coat with three PRENOTOT parts and one water part. Apply the plaster before being dried.

Adhesive and sealer. Light joint or finished plasters

It is applied in the same way as conventional plasters, but using a joint coat of five PRENOTOT parts for one water part. Over glass floor tile apply always with a brush, mortar marking one concrete part and two sand parts mixed with PRENOTOT diluted in 1:1 with water, leaving a rough surface.

Nota: Si se ha de aplicar más de una capa de enlucido, deje que se sequen durante 24 horas, como mínimo, entre capas. Si las condiciones son húmedas podría ser preferible esperar hasta 72 horas.

PLASTERING USING PRENOTOT, Universal adhesive and sealer

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Adhesive and sealer for mortar plastering joint to brick, terrazzo and concrete.

Make sure that the suerface is firm and clean. Prepare one PRENOTOT part with five water parts, apply the mixer to the surface with a brush and let it dry.

Adhesive and sealer for plastering up to 9 mm. Thickness.

Apply a coat with three PRENOTOT parts and one water part. Before plastering gets dried, plaster the surface with a mixed concrete with PRENOTOT diluted 1:1 with water.
When conditions of use may be wet, use the method of the concrete described for more of 9 mm thickness plastering.

Adhesive and sealer for plastering for more than 9 mm. Thickness

Apply a concrete made by two sand parts for one Portland concrete part, mixed with diluted PRENOTOT 1:1 with water.
Apply it with brush and leave a rough finished, let it dry no less than 24 hours. Plaster the surface with a mixed mortar with diluted PRENOTOT 1:1 with water.


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When is required to re-fill areas or when it is necessary a levelled edge, use the following method. Make sure that surface is clean and free of dust nor loose materials. Clean the crack. Prepare one PRENOTOT part for five water parts and let it dry. Mix the concrete to the mortar, using equal PRENOTOT parts and water (1:1)

Adhesive and sealer for join composed slabs

Different slabs can be joined, with no mechanical prick need can be joined. Make sure that the surface is clean without grease nor dust. Prepare one PRENOTOT part and five water parts. Apply exhaustively with a brush and let it dry. Apply pure PRENOTOT and before drying place the new floor.

Adhesive and sealer terrazzo, glass slabs, pavement, slate slab placement

The mortar thickness reduce if the slabs of the ground are placed with PRENOTOT help. Make sure that the surface is clean and firm, prepare one PRENOTOT part and five water parts and let it dry.
Prepare the mortar. Apply three PRENOTOT parts and one water part coat to the surface, and before letting it dry spread the prepared mortar. The mortar coat can be of only 3 mm thick.
Apply three PRENOTOT parts for one water part to the posterior part of the slabs and place the slabs. Let the ground fix during 3 days.

MAINTENANCE OF PRENOTOT, Universal adhesive and sealant

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PRENOTOT has a lot of applications as maintenace adhesive and it can join nearly any material, being always one of the porous surfaces. If it is necessary to fill empty spaces, for instance, substitute a glass slab, make a one PRENOTOT part mortar and two water parts, mixing them with one concrete part for two sand parts. Prepare the surface with one PRENOTOT part for five water parts and let it dry. Apply the mortar and make the joint.

JOINT STRENGTHEN OF PRENOTOT, Universal adhesive and sealant

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According to the test made, the mean load required to separate two wood elements joints is 4.200N. In these and other tests made on wood joints with concrete, concrete with concrete, and concrete with ceramic slabs, the rupture was made in the substratum, but not in the joint.
The test made using PRENOTOT to joint light plaster to block of conglomerate of light concrete, showed that it was necessary an attraction load not less than 294 k N/m2, before the rupture took place. On the contrary, the maximum load needed to the rupture to take place, without using PRENOTOT was 17 k N/m2.


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It is not flammable, nor in liquid nor in solid state.


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The levelled coats and to the plasters which have been added PRENOTOT presents a great resistance to the water penetration, being waterproof.


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PRENOTOT does not adhere to contaminated surfaces by oil or grease. Resistant to the light acids attack or alkaline solutions, petroleum, oisland greases.


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It avoids growth and mould and fungus development.


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PRENOTOT can be used in ambiental temperatures between 60ºC to -10ºC.


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Indefinitive in humidity absence, limited by hydrolysis in humidity presence, except for using as additive Portland concrete in mortars confection.


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Waiting time

The joint time is until 10 minutes depending on the surface porosity to joint, the temperature, the humidity and the coat thickness.


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PRENOTOT, lasts for a year.


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In previos pages there is enough information about a wide applications range. PRENOTOT can joint the used materials majority in construction, themselves or ones to others. Exception: Rubbers, PVC, A.B.S., Polietilene and any other non porous surfaces combination.


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All PRENOTOT applications require that work surfaces must be firm, clean and without dust, oil or grease. All surfaces with a sheer suction capacity should be repared with one PRENOTOT part and five water parts solution.


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Pure or dilutes PRENOTOT with water can be applied with a brush, a roller or spatula.


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All tools have to be immediately cleaned with water once they have been esed. The remaining products on work surfaces or splashing can be cleaned with water, if they are still wet.

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Prenotot, Universal adhesive and sealant
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